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Export situation is grim, and it is hard for appliance industry to fully warm up

Appliance industry downturn has finally ushered in the dawn of warmer bottom. November 4, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released data shows that the appliance industry indicators had a recovery indication, of where the first three quarters of home appliances business revenue grew by 7.2% and the gross profit increased by a total of 21.9%. On the CCTV gold resources advertising tender meeting of 2013 held recently, many enterprise of appliance industry had taken part in the compete, including traditional household appliances enterprises such as Haier, Midea and two retail channels enterprise—Suning and Gome. This seems to have foreshadowed the home appliance industry has pass the so-called “the most difficult period” . Although the industry has a optimistic developing trend, but the severe export situation will continue to be an important factor affecting the industry full recovery ……

For 2013 the trend of China’s home appliance exports, Zhou Nan believes, that total exports and growth will show a slow growth. He said that at present the major markets such as Western Europe has a sluggish consumer demand due to the European debt crisis, while South America and other emerging markets slowed down the heat with the low share which is not enough to fill the gap in traditional markets. Relatively speaking, only the recovery momentum of the U.S.A market has a significant increase. So appliance enterprise need to continuously improve the ability to withstand industry risks, and increase the share of exports of refrigerators and other niche products in the traditional markets.